Academic Regulations

Assessment / Evaluation of Students’ Performance

  • Students will be assessed through practical and written examination, class assignments, presentations, care study and research work.
  • The Policy of the Programme Recommends that:
    • There shall be 2-3 class assignments for each course in a semester to be scored over 100 and rated as 15%.
    • There shall be mid-semester examination for each course scored over 100 and rated 15%.
    • There shall be an end of semester examination for each course scored over 100 and rated as 70%.

Duration of End of Semester Examination

The duration of the End-of-Semester Examination will be determined by the credit weighting of course as follows-


  • 1 Credit hour course – One to One and Half Hours
  • 2 Credit hour course – One and Half to Two Hours
  • 3 Credit hour course – Two to Three Hours



Candidates are reminded to take note of the following:

  1. You MUST have your STUDENT IDENTITY CARD with you in order to gain entrance to the examination hall.
  2. You MUST bring your own Pens, Pencils, Erasers & Scientific Calculator (if necessary) as no sharing would be allowed during the examination.
  3. You will not be allowed into the examination hall 30 minutes after the start of the exams and also you will not be allowed to leave the examination hall 30 min to the end of the exams.
  4. You MUST not communicate with anybody when you enter the examination hall except the invigilator(s).
  5. You are required to switch off your electronic gadgets and keep them in your bag at a place indicated by the invigilator(s).
  6. Any programmable calculator, scanners and mobile phones found on a candidate in the examination hall shall be confiscated and handed over to the College’s Academic Officer/ Registrar.




Regulations for the Conduct of College Examinations

ALL Students are advised to take note of the REGULATIONS guiding the conduct of College Examinations. Students are required to inform themselves of the following, taking note particularly of item 18.

  1. Examination Time tables shall be posted on College and Student Notice Boards and it is the responsibility of Candidates to consult these Notice Boards for details of their Departments concerned, unless otherwise stated. The College reserves the right, where circumstances so demand to make changes in the Time Tables. All affected Candidates shall be informed, accordingly.
  2. All Candidates shall report at the Examination Hall not earlier than THIRTY (30) MINUTES before the start of the Examination. Candidates shall occupy the places assigned to them as indicated by their Index Numbers or any form of identification arranged for the purposes of the Examinations.
  3. Candidates are to have in their possession their Identity and Examination Cards and shall show these to the Invigilators before entering the Examination Hall.
  4. Examination cards will be issued by the Academic Officer/ Accountant to each candidate to qualify him/her write the Exams.
  5. No Candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall until after THIRTY MINUTES after the commencement of the Examination.
  6. Any Candidate who enters the Examination Hall within THIRTY MINUTES from the start of a Paper shall report to the Invigilator before being checked in.
  7. No Candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall within the last THIRTY MINUTES of the Examination.
  8. Candidates are not permitted to start the Examination until the Invigilator instructs them to do so. Writing on Answer Booklets prior to the start of the Examination shall constitute a breach of Examination Regulations and the appropriate sanction applied.
  9. Unless specifically authorized by the Examiner, no Candidate shall take into an Examination Hall or have in his/her possession during an Examination, any of the following: Notes; Textbooks; Prepared Materials; Hats; Bags; Pencil Cases; Mobile Phones; Programmable Calculators; Palm-top Computers; Scanners; Radios; and, any unauthorized Electronic Gadgets, etc.
    Invigilators have the authority to CONFISCATE such material and/or items and have them DESTROYED. The affected Candidates shall be reported to the College Examination Officer/College Registrar in writing as being in breach of Examination Regulations and the appropriate sanctions applied.
  10. Candidates shall use their Index Numbers throughout the Examination. Under no circumstance should candidates use their names during Examinations. Failure to do so shall render the student’s Answer Booklet/supplementary sheet invalid.
  11. Candidates may leave the Examination Hall temporarily only with the expressed permission of the Invigilator and shall be under escort. The Invigilator reserves the right to take every necessary precaution, including physical search on the Candidate, before he/she is allowed to leave or return to the Examination Hall. The maximum time a Candidate shall be allowed such leave shall be at the discretion of the Invigilator.
  12. No Candidate shall pass Notes or seek any other information or make any form of solicitation from other Candidates during the period of the Examination. Such form of solicitation shall be taken to be a breach of Examination Regulations and the Candidate involved shall be sanctioned, accordingly. For purposes of these Regulations, the Following shall apply:
    • a Candidate may attract the attention of the Invigilator by raising a hand;
    • a candidate shall not pass or attempt to pass any information or instrument to another Candidate during examination;
    • a Candidate shall not copy or attempt to copy from another candidate;
    • a Candidate shall not leave his/her answers in such a manner that another Candidate may be able to read; and,
    • a Candidate shall not in any way disturb or distract other Candidates during Examination.
  13. No candidate shall take away any USED or UNUSED Answer Booklet; Supplementary Sheet; Scannable Forms or any material supplied for the purposes of the Examination.
  14. Plagiarism in any form is a serious offence punishable by dismissal from the College. Candidates are advised to credit any material used in their work that has been derived from another source. When in doubt, Candidates are advised to consult their Supervisors and/or Heads of Department.
  15. Any candidate who finishes an Examination ahead of the stipulated TIME may leave the Examination Hall after handing over his/her Answer Book(s) to the Invigilator. Such Candidates(s) shall not be allowed to return to the Examination Hall,
  16. Smoking or Eating is not permitted in the Examination Hall. Any violation shall be treated as a breach of Examination Regulations.
  17. A Candidate shall have himself/herself to blame in the event of violation of any of the said Regulations for the Conduct of College Examinations. It is the responsibility of the Candidate to inform him/herself of these Regulations at all times. Ignorance of these Regulations shall not be considered as a mitigating factor in the event of any breach of a said Regulation, Infringement of any of these Regulations by an Examination Candidate shall constitute MISCONDUCT — and shall attract any one and/or more of the following sanctions:
    • Rustication from the College for Stated Period;
    • Reprimand;
    • Warning;
    • With-holding of Results for a period;
    • Suspension from the University; and,
    • Dismissal

    NB: Upon dismissal from the college a student shall not be entitled to have academic transcript from the College. All academic record including transcript become null and void after the dismissal of a dismissed student.

  18. Students, both males and females, are entreated to dress decently to the examination Hall. The College Administration is concerned about the indecent dressing of students and every effort would be made to correct it. Any candidate who does not dress decently would be refused entry into the Examination Hall.

Marking of End-Of-Semester Examination Scripts

A centralized conference marking shall be organized by the Academic committee the first week following the exams. It shall last for a minimum of two weeks. Marking schemes for each course shall be discussed by the conference before marking begins.

Grading System

The grading of examination results shall be as follows:

Grade Mark Range Grade Point Interpretation
A 80 – 100 4.0 Excellent
A- 75 – 79 3.75 Very Good
B+ 70 – 74 3.50 Good
B 65 – 69 3.00 Above Average
B- 60 – 64 2.50 Average
C+ 55 – 59 2.00 Pass
C 50 – 54 1.50 Pass
D 49 – 0 0.00 Fail


Explanatory Notes

  • i. The Minimum Grade Point Average (MGPA) required to secure continuation in a programme is 1.5.
  • ii. A student whose grade falls below 1.5 will be repeated until she achieves the MGPA of 2.0
  • A student is awarded X by the academic committee as unsatisfactory if unable to complete a course.
  • Grade Z is awarded on account of exam malpractice and the student may be prevented from taking exams for a period or expelled indefinitely.

Grade Point (GP)

For each grade there is a corresponding grade point as indicated above. The grade point earned by a candidate is computed as the product of each course registered. A student does not earn the credits for failed courses even though the credit units for the courses are used in computing the GPA.

Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

A student’s cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained up to any specified time by the total number of credits for all courses for which the student has registered up to that time. This is calculated at the end of each academic year.


Academic Transcript

Students shall receive a student copy of the transcript of their academic record on completion of the programme at a fee. Academic transcript for the purpose of continuing education will be upon request and payment of the prescribed fee. Such transcripts shall be sent only to the requesting institutions. Transcripts shall reflect the grades of all courses taken including failed and re-sits.

Declaration of Results

The academic committee will consider external examiner’s reports and approve all examination results. Results of the semester shall normally be published before the commencement of the next semester. A result slip indicating the student’s performance in the examination shall be made available to the students.

Suplementary Exmanination

A student who fails in one or two courses shall be allowed to rewrite the paper in a supplementary examination conducted within the first two weeks of the next semester. The examination is conducted at a prescribed fee determined by the academic committee.

Referral and Trailing

  • A student who obtains a ’D or F’ in an examination shall be referred in those courses. He/she shall rewrite the referred paper in a supplementary exam.
  • Such a student must pass all the referred paper(s) to be in good standing. However he/she shall be allowed to trail in only one course after the supplementary exams.
  • If a student passes referred course, both grades shall appear on the student’s transcript and shall be used in the computation of his/her CGPA.

Student in Good Standing

A student in good standing is the one whose cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is 2.5 or better and has not obtained a ‘D’ in any given semester in the academic year.

Conditions for Repetition

  • A student whose GPA falls below 1.5 will be repeated.
  • At the end of the period of repetition, the student must obtain at least a CGPA of 2.0 or better and may trail in only one course in order to move forward to the next academic year.
  • No student shall be repeated twice throughout the period of training. A second repetition will mean a dismissal.

Conditions for Withdrawal from the College

A student whose CGPA is less than 2.0 after repetition shall be withdrawn from the school.

Class Attendance in a Semester

A student has to gain a specified number of lecture hours in each course to be eligible for examination in that course. A student who absents himself/herself from lectures or clinical work for cumulative 21 days in a semester will be disqualified to write that semester’s examinations. He/she shall repeat that semester.
If for medical reasons, a student cannot meet the above requirement, he/she shall be advised to withdraw voluntarily from the programme through due process. To get approval for voluntary withdrawal, the student must submit a medical report certified by a recognized medical doctor.

Licensure Examinations

The licensing examination comprises written/online and practical components. This examination is organised/controlled by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) of Ghana. Your entry for the licensing examination depends on your performance at 5th semester while in the college. A student shall obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.5 at the end of the 5th semester in order to be recommended for licensing examinations. Students cannot be permitted to enter for the licensing examination if they have referred papers to write. Candidates with 3 or more referred papers need ample time to learn to pass their examinations and may not be permitted to enter for the examination when the academic committee considers it not appropriate. They may have to join the regular classes for 2nd year or 3rd year depending on the papers affected. Such a candidate will be allowed to enter during the next available examination period as accepted by the NMC.

Re-opening date

All students should report on the set date.

Semester Course Registration

  • Registration of course shall begin from the first (1”) week of the semester and close by the end of the second (2”) week.
  • All courses being offered in the college/school are compulsory.
  • Registration is subject to at least 50% payment of fees.

Completion of Programme

  • Written and Practical Examination will be conducted at the end of each semester. Students must obtain passes in all course offered to qualify for the completion of the diploma programme.
  • A student shall be required to write and pass an examination conducted by the affiliated institution (KNUST) to qualify for the diploma certificate.
  • A student shall be required to attain the credit hours of all required lectures, write all prescribed examinations, submit a Research & Care Study and all other assignments in order to complete the programmes. This will make the students eligible for the NMC Licensure Examination after which he/she undertakes one year internship (Rotation).


A student is considered not to have completed the diploma programme if he/she has an outstanding examination and resits to be done, a research or care study not submitted, non-completion of clinical attachments and vacation practicum. Such students shall be repeated for the semester.

Deferment of Programme

Students who due to some reasons wish to defer their programme shall apply to the principal who shall refer the application to the Academic Committee for advice. Application for deferment would normally not be entertained after eight (8) weeks into the semester. Deferment shall be a maximum of 4 semesters after which one has to reapply as a fresh applicant.

Deferment of Examination

  • On Grounds of ill Health – A student, who is unable to take examination on grounds of ill health shall on application to the Principal of the college and upon provision of a medical certificate be allowed to take them at the examination.
  • On Grounds other than ill Health– In case of deferment on grounds other than ill health, the Principal shall invite the academic committee as appropriate. It shall be the student’s responsibility to satisfy the school beyond reasonable doubt why he/she wishes to defer the examination. The application must be submitted not later than two weeks before the commencement of examination.