Our Philosophy

The Nursing and Midwifery Training College, 37 Military Hospital a diploma awarding institution holds these beliefs about a person, health, nursing and education:

Each person is a unique being of worth and dignity, capable of developing and actualizing his fullest potentials, capabilities, and talents to promote positive personality development.


We lay premium on total quality of health, not merely the absence of illness or infirmity, but a complete state of physical, social, spiritual and psychological well- being of individuals and society (WHO 1947).


We are committed to training and equipping soldiers and civilians with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for the attainment of quality care delivery to promote and maintain health, conserve life and reduce disability and mortality at all levels.


The purpose of education is to train the individual and the community to develop their learning domains- cognitive, psychomotor and affective – The Head, Hands and Heart (the 3 H’s) for a meaningful life. These beliefs serve as a pivot.

Our Aim

Is to produce an efficient, effective and disciplined polyvalent nurse.


Goals and Objectives of our Programmes

The knowledge, skills and attitudes would be used to:

  1. Perform professional functions efficiently and effectively as members of the health team to:
    • Meet the needs of the patients, health needs of soldiers, their families, other individuals and the entire community.
    • Recognize, manage and where necessary, refer clients or patients to appropriate quarters.
    • Contribute to and promote primary healthcare services in the areas of Peacekeeping Operations.
    • Carry out community diagnosis, plan, implement and evaluate community programmes towards morbidity prevention, health promotion and rehabilitation services.
    • Plan and carry out health education that will be based on health needs of troops and the community in general.
  2. Exhibit administrative and leadership capabilities in managing healthcare facilities in the various units (Medical Reception Stations (MRS) and the other healthcare units within the various barracks of the Ghana Armed Forces.
  3. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving activities in the provision of nursing/midwifery interventions.
  4. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for their professional actions.
  5. Demonstrate commitment to the nursing profession, show interest and enthusiasm in the nursing/midwifery profession.
  6. Show an understanding of national health policy and its relevance to nursing/midwifery.
  7. Demonstrate the ability of lifelong learning within a changing society.