Disciplinary Rules

Personal Appearance

  • Students must appear in prescribed uniform for duty/class.
  • Student should be neat and clean at all times
  • Hairdo must be simple and not touch the collar of the dress. Hair bands should match the colour of the hair.
  • There should be no colouring of hair apart from its original colour.
  • Shoes and sandals must be of the prescribed styles and colour according to the school’s code of dressing.
  • Only knob or button shaped earrings can be worn
  • Long nails, polish, neck chain, artificial nails, bracelets and extra ornaments are prohibited.
  • Male students are not to wear beard and moustache, both should be clean shaved.
  • Students must not wear apron and cap outside the hospital premises.
  • Belt must be properly worn.

The uniform Requirements

Both Females and Males

  • Name tags for easy identification in the classroom and on the field.
  • All students are to purchase the college’s printed cloth and wear it on Fridays and during occasions as would be informed.
  • Shoes should be cleaned and polished always
  • All students need a watch with second hand, stethoscope, scissors, thermometers and sphygmomanometer
  • Students must appear in prescribed uniform for duty/class
  • Uniforms should be neat and clean at all times
  • Hairdo must be simple and not touch the collar of the dress
  • Students may use small black/brown ribbon
  • Hair ribbon should match the colour of the hair
  • There should be no colouring of hair apart from its original colour
  • Shoes and sandals must be of the prescribed style and colour according to the school’s code of dressing
  • Only stud shaped earrings can be worn with only one on each ear lobe
  • Long nails, nail polish, neck chain, artificial nails, bracelets, are prohibited
  • Students must not wear apron and cap outside the hospital premises
  • Belts must be properly worn

Female students

  • Tailored nurses green dress (2 inches below knee-length) with white round baby collar
  • Black/brown full low soft heeled shoe
  • White apron 2 inches below the green uniform and a white cap for clinical work

Male student

  • Blue-black flying tie
  • Short-sleeve white shirt
  • A pair of brown khaki material trouser (no jeans khaki trouser)
  • Short-sleeve white clinical coat
  • Black/brown full low heal shoes (no colour marking on shoes)

Military students are to wear their Military uniform unless otherwise ordered by the Principal to wear civil uniform.

Additional Requirements

  • Hair: must be off the face and above the collar of dress or pulled back, natural colour tones only.
  • Male students are NOT to WEAR BEARD and MOUSTACHE. Beards and moustache must be shave neat with hair on head kept clean and short always.
  • Jewellery: only wedding ring on one finger, no other accessories are acceptable
  • Scrub: wearing of scrub may be required in some practical areas

NB: Students should follow uniform requirement in clinical areas.

Lines/Hostel Environment:

  • Students should not litter the environment
  • Surroundings should be kept clean and tidy at all times
  • Students are responsible for cleaning of the dormitories/hostels/compound and classrooms.
  • There should be scrubbing of dormitories/classrooms/hostels/drains/bathrooms and toilets every Saturday.
  • Cooking in the dormitories is strictly prohibited.
  • No wet or stale food should be taken to the hostel as this attracts vermins.
  • No male student is allowed to visit the female dormitories and vice versa.
  • Only toilet tissues are to be thrown into the water closet (WC)
  • Due to lack of space students are not allowed to bring Desktop computers. However, they can bring laptops
  • All water taps are to be turned off when not in use. Water should be used economically.
  • Students must do their laundry at the prescribed areas and waste water must be properly disposed off.
  • Moving or packing from one dormitory to another without the consent of the housekeeper is forbidden.
  • Moving furniture from classrooms to the dormitories is strictly prohibited.
  • Room keys as well as other keys allocated to each student during the semester must be handed over to the hostel tutor at the end of the semester.
  • Students must report all breakages, damages and defects promptly to the hostel tutor for the necessary action to be taken.
  • Pictures and posters should not be pasted on walls.


  • All lights in the lines/hostels must be put off at time prescribed by the school authorities.
  • Only rechargeable lamps and or dry cell flashlights are to be used when the main power goes off.
  • The use of candles and other open flame lamps are strictly prohibited.
  • All prescribed electrical appliances/gadgets such as rechargeable lamps, irons, flashlights and radios must be disconnected from the main when not in use so as to cut down consumption and/or prevent fire outbreak.
  • Extra electrical connections in the dormitories are not allowed.
  • All electrical faults must be reported to the hostel tutor promptly for the necessary action.
  • No unauthorized electrical repairs are allowed. Only approved electricians are allowed to carry out electrical repair works.


  • Students should not make noise at the dormitories. The hostel should be kept quiet at all times.
  • The sound volume of radio sets and other electrical gadgets must be turned to reasonable level.
  • The door in the dormitories must be closed gently at all times.
  • Group prayer sessions are to be held in the classroom when not in use at the time prescribed by the school.

Late Pass:

  • Students must inform the CSM and write their names in a pass book before leaving the campus to town and must return to the campus not later than 3:00pm.
  • All students who wish to travel outside town must apply for and obtain a pass from the CSM before leaving campus
  • Each student is entitled to three (3) exeats in a semester except in emergency situations.


Students must avail themselves to take prescribed immunization when necessary.


All students are expected to join in the daily prayers prior to duty and classes as specified by the college chaplaincy.

Special Medical Condition

Students with special medical conditions which need special attention should present a medical report to the school on the said conditions

Church Service/Morning Devotion

  • Students are to attend morning devotion at 7:00 am.
  • Every Wednesday morning (0700 – 0800hrs) is school padre hour and all students must be present.

Regulation of Students off Campus

The college, shall not permit any behaviour on or off campus by any student that contravenes its rules and regulations.

  • The school’s rules and regulations are applicable to every student irrespective of his/her residential status.
  • Non – residential students and students who are off campus are to observe decorum, decency and show high degree of respect to all people outside their homes or schools.
  • Maintaining clean environment in both the school and the various homes or residence is the paramount duty of the non-resident student as well.
  • Non – resident students shall be at all school gatherings on time except on permission by the Principal or her delegate.
  • Drinking and sale of cigarette and/or alcohol by all categories of students are strictly prohibited.
  • Non – resident students just as the resident students are expected to dress decently while on campus and/or outside campus.


Any student, who wishes to travel, should obtain permission from the appropriate authorities stating reasons, departure and returning dates. However, they must remember to enter their names in the outing book. Permission must be sought at least 3 days before letter is written Note: Students’ movement register must be signed by each student before he/she leaves the school compound and also on their return. The register should be kept by the CSM. Students should equally report themselves to the CSM upon return.

Pregnancy during Training

Any student who becomes pregnant during training will have to write officially to the Principal for counselling and deferment of training. She would be re-admitted to join the appropriate group only upon a receipt of a written re-application when the baby is six (6) months or after her maternity leave.