Organization & Governance
- The school is the ownership of the Ministry of Defence and managed by Ghana Armed Forces Medical Services (GAFMS)
- The Ghana Armed Forces Medical Service (GAFMS) is responsible for the Health Training institutions, Military Hospitals and the Medical Reception Stations (MRS).
- The Medical Directorate of the GAFMS meets with the health training institutions to discuss and disseminate policies and plans for future developments.
- The Board of Governors in consultation with the Medical Directorate is responsible for policies and development plans in line with proper planning of the college.
- The Principal is responsible to the Director-General (MEDICAL) for the smooth running of the college and liaises between the college and the Directorate.
- All staff (Civilians and Military) come under the code of Military discipline and are responsible to the principal.
- Chain of command is the rule of the college which is known to every staff and student as enshrined in the AFR Vol 1.
Management Team
The College is currently under the supervision of a Management Team with responsibility of
- overseeing to the day to day activities of the college.
- planning, organizing, supervision, staffing and co-ordinating, directing, initiating, delegating duties and responsibilities to other colleagues.
The team is made up of the following persons: